How to Create a Robust Cybersecurity Infrastructure in Your Medical Practice

medical doctor taking notes in office

While a comprehensive cybersecurity infrastructure is important in every industry, one could make the argument that it’s most important in the medical field. As a healthcare provider, it is a critical part of holistic patient care to be fully aware of the various cyber threats out there so you can protect yourself, your clinic, and your patients. 

With so much sensitive information at your fingertips, from personal health records to financial transactions, a robust, flexible cybersecurity infrastructure is the best way to ensure that all of this data stays safe.

What Cybersecurity Threats Target the Medical Industry?

Medical cybersecurity threats are steadily becoming more and more complex as hackers and criminals develop more sophisticated methods of stealing data. Some of the cybersecurity threats faced by the medical industry include:

  • Phishing attacks: Unfortunately, it is common for hackers to send malicious emails with the intention of harvesting usernames and passwords. Because medical clinics deal with a mass amount of clients, pharmacists, and other drug reps, they are easy prey for phishing scams.
  • Malware: Malicious software can be used to infect computers, tablets, and phones with viruses or trojan horses that can steal data or damage a system.
  • Ransomware: Ransomware is a type of cyberattack in which attackers take control of a device or system and demand payment in exchange for unlocking it. 

How Can You Create a Robust Cybersecurity Infrastructure?

Creating a robust cybersecurity infrastructure for your medical practice is essential to protecting yourself from cybersecurity threats. Here are some steps you should take:

Work with an experienced managed service provider  

An experienced managed service provider (MSP) will be able to guide you through the cybersecurity landscape and provide solutions geared towards the specific needs of your medical practice. Managed service providers are aware, equipped, and experienced enough to deal with the rising threats in the medical industry. 

From cybersecurity audits and risk assessments to 24/7 cybersecurity monitoring, an MSP can provide a comprehensive cybersecurity solution that is tailored to your needs.

Focus on compliance 

The healthcare industry is highly regulated, so it’s important to ensure you are compliant with any applicable laws or regulations. This means staying up to date on all HIPAA rules and regulations and making sure that all of your cybersecurity measures meet those standards.

Stay up to date on threats

Keeping track of the latest cybersecurity threats is essential if you want to stay one step ahead of hackers. Make sure you have regular meetings with your staff so they are aware of the risks as well as how they should be handling data and other sensitive information.

Follow cybersecurity best practices

As a medical practice, you should be following cybersecurity best practices such as regularly changing passwords and never writing them down. Some other cybersecurity best practices include:

  • Using multi-factor authentication 
  • Requiring a virtual private network (VPN) for remote employees
  • Installing anti-virus and anti-malware software 
  • Following email security protocols 

Involve & train employees

Make sure everyone on your team is up to date on cybersecurity protocols so they can help prevent an attack from happening or reduce its damage if it does occur. Employee training should be an ongoing, continuous process. 

Tech Rockstars Can Build and Protect Your Cybersecurity Infrastructure 

At Tech Rockstars, we understand the cybersecurity needs of medical practices and can provide the solutions to keep your data safe. With our expert team on your side, you can have peace of mind knowing your data is secure. 

Schedule a consultation today to learn more about how we can help protect your medical practice from cybersecurity threats!